Season's Choice

These products are archived as they are outdated or no longer available. They are listed here for historical purposes.
Calorie and Nutrition information for archived products from Season's Choice.

Archived products

Asian Seasoned Medley
1 cup
Spicy BBQ Seasoned Oven Chips
6 chips
Wellness Blend
1 cup
Homestyle Mashed Potatoes
1/2 cup
Multigrain Blend with Vegetables
1/2 cup
Mushroom Risotto Veggie Burger
1 burger
Wheatberry Blend with Curry
1/4 package
Thai Veggie Burger
1 burger
Asian Blend Couscous
1 cup
Veggie Burger
1 patty
Italian Blend
3/4 cup
Sea Salt & Olive Potato Wedges
2/3 cup